Dear 2013,
I slowed down this year because there were things I needed
to get done, needed to write and needed to contemplate. That means I didn’t see
all the theatre I wanted to see or all the films I wanted to see.
On TV, I loved Hannibal and Broadchurch and how Fringe ended
and how Game of Thrones threw a wedding and House of Cards and Arrested
Development’s odd fourth season. I really liked the Americans and thought Mad
Men’s sixth season was really impressive, especially by the end. I saw Breaking
Bad, but didn’t love it the same way so many people loved it. Justified wasn’t
as great as it used to be, but still fun. Homeland went completely off the
rails. And Doctor Who just isn’t the same anymore.
At the cinema, Before Midnight was almost perfection and Gravity
was exquisite. World War Z was suprisingly good. Iron Man 3 was an excellent
follow up to The Avengers. Thor 2 was just fun. Star Trek Into Darkness and
Elysium were disappointments. Frozen was just delightful. And, given local
release dates, Life of Pi was one of my favourites of 2013, too. Much Ado About
Nothing was also a delight. And, oh yeah, Catching Fire was amazing! American
Hustle, as well.

2012 was probably my favourite year, so 2013 was going to
have a tough time living up to it. Some years you just have to slow down, look
around and plan for the year ahead. I can’t always keep barrelling into new
things; I want to plan things and make them the best I can. No point making
things that aren’t the best they can be.
I have so many people to thank that I’ll kick myself if I
forget anyone, so here’s an overview:
- Thanks to everyone involved with Poems a Dead Boy Wrote at Sydney Short & Sweet
- Thanks to everyone involved with Like a House on Fire at the Western University of Michigan
- Thanks to everyone involved with the reading of A Modern Superwoman at Cold Readings
- Thanks to everyone involved with the reading of Who Are You Supposed to Be in Melbourne
- Thanks to everyone involved with the workshop and reading of A Modern Superwoman by in Adelaide
- Thanks to everyone involved with the production of Who Are You Supposed to Be in Edinburgh and London
- Thanks to everyone involved with Eight Minutes at Townsville Short & Sweet
- Thanks to everyone involved with About Time at Melbourne Fringe
And looking forward to 2014:
- Thanks to everyone involved in the creation of The Dead End
- Thanks to everyone involved in the ongoing development of A Modern Superwoman
- Thanks to those involved with the early stages of Who Are You and The House of Goodbyes
Yes, yes. That whole list is compiled from a year where I
slowed down. Wait for 2014, when I pick up speed and go for broke.
Happy 2014 to all my readers!
See you in the new year.